
Seminar "Approaches to the new reform 2022 Tax

On Friday, July 8, we held the Seminar “Approaches to the New Tax Reform” with a breakfast at Club 50. This had the aim of gaining insight of the most relevant aspects of the Tax Reform project, presented by the Government and sent to Congress for discussion.

Our partners, Nicolás Ulloa and Adriana Zaidan, presented together with Bernardo Fontaine,economist and convention delegate.

Issues addressed included the disintegration of the tax system for large companies, limit on the use of tax loss carryforwards, the taxation of accumulated profits, the increase in IGC, taxation of capital gains on the sale of shares, wealth tax, limitation of investment fund profits, administrative qualification of avoidance and changes to the CFC rule.

By the end, some of the attendees’ concerns were cleared and they were invited to future meetings.